All SHORTCUT KEYS OF MICROSOFT  WORD 2007  | 2010 | 2016


CTRL + A = Select text

CTRL + B = Bold text

CTRL + C = Copy text

CTRL + D = Open font formatting window

CTRL + E = Center text

CTRL + F = Find a phrase

CTRL + G = Go To a specific page or bookmark

CTRL + H = Replace text with another text or replace text with different formatting

CTRL + I = Italicize text

CTRL + J = Justify text

CTRL + K = Open Insert Hyperlink window

CTRL + L = Left align text

CTRL + M = Indent a paragraph from the left

CTRL + N = Open new Word document

CTRL + O = Open an existing Word document

CTRL + P = Print Word document

CTRL + Q = Remove paragraph formatting

CTRL + R = Right align text

CTRL + S = Save Word document

CTRL + T = Create a hanging indent

CTRL + U = Underline text

CTRL + V = Paste text

CTRL + W = Close Word document

CTRL + X = Cut text

CTRL + Y = Redo an action previously undone OR repeat an action

CTRL + Z = Undo a previous action




CTRL + SHIFT Shortcuts 

ctrl + =          subscript

ctrl +shift+ =          superscript

Ctrl + Spacebar  Remove Character Formatting

CTRL + ] = Increase size of selected text by one point

CTRL + [ = Decrease size of selected text by one point

CTRL + SHIFT+ > = Increase font size

CTRL + SHIFT + < = Decrease font size

CTRL + 1 = Single-space lines

CTRL + 2 = Double-space lines

CTRL + 5 = 1.5 space lines

CTRL + 0 = Add/remove one line space preceding a paragraph

CTRL + Left Arrow = Move one word to the left

CTRL + Right Arrow = Move one word to the right

CTRL + Up Arrow = Move one paragraph up

CTRL + Down Arrow =Move one paragraph down

CTRL + Page Up = Go to the top of previous page

CTRL + Page Down = Go to the top of next page

CTRL + END = Go to the end of document

CTRL + HOME = Go to the beginning of document

CTRL + ENTER = Page break

CTRL + SHIFT + C =Copy Formats

CTRL + SHIFT + D = Double Underline text

CTRL + SHIFT + E = Track changes

CTRL + SHIFT + F = Change the font

CTRL + SHIFT + H = Apply hidden text formatting

CTRL + SHIFT + K = Format letters as small capitals

CTRL + DELETE = Delete one word to the right

CTRL + BACKSPACE = Delete one word to the left

CTRL + TAB = Insert a Tab character

CTRL + ALT + C = Copyright symbol

CTRL + ALT + R = Registered trademark symbol

CTRL + ALT + T = Trademark symbol

CTRL + ALT + M = Insert a comment

CTRL + ALT + I = Switch in or out of print preview

Ctrl+Shift+A                         All Caps

CTRL + SHIFT + L = Apply the List style

CTRL + SHIFT + M = Remove a paragraph indent from the left

CTRL + SHIFT + N = Apply the Normal Style

CTRL + SHIFT + P = Change the font size

CTRL + SHIFT + Q = Change the selection to the Symbol font

CTRL + SHIFT + S = Apply a style

CTRL + SHIFT + T= Reduce a hanging indent

CTRL + SHIFT + V =Paste Formats

CTRL + SHIFT + W = Underline words but not spaces

Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar    Create A Non – Breaking Space.

save as                   CTRL+Shift+S

Ctrl + 5

1.5-line spacing

Ctrl + Alt + 1

Change text to heading 1

Ctrl + Alt + 2

Change text to heading 2

Ctrl + Alt + 3

Change text to heading 3


 ALT+Function Key

ALT+F1   Go to the next field.

 ALT+F3   Create an AutoText (AutoText: A storage location for text or graphics you want to use again,  such as a standard contract clause or a long distribution list. Each selection of text or graphics is 
recorded as an   AutoText entry and is assigned a unique name.) entry

 ALT+F8  Run a macro.

 ALT+F9  Switch between all field codes and their results.

 ALT+F10  Maximize the program window.

 ALT+F11  Display Microsoft Visual Basic code.

ALT+SHIFT+Function Key


 Go to the previous field.


 Choose the Save command (File menu).


 Run GOTOBUTTON or MACROBUTTON from the field that

 displays the field results.


 Display the menu or message for a smart tag. If more than one

 smart tag is present, switch to the next smart tag and display its

 menu or message.


 Start the Microsoft Script Editor

CTRL+ALT+Function Key

 CTRL+SHIFT+Function Key

CTRL+SHIFT+F3 Insert the contents of the Spike (Spike: A special AutoText entry that stores multiple deletions. Microsoft Word appends one item to another until you paste the contents as a group in a new location in your document. You can also use the Microsoft Office Clipboard to get the same result.)

CTRL+SHIFT+F5 Edit a bookmark.
CTRL+SHIFT+F6 Go to the previous window.
CTRL+SHIFT+F7  Update linked information in a Microsoft Word source document.
CTRL+SHIFT+F8 Extend a selection or block (then press an arrow key).
CTRL+SHIFT+F9 Unlink a field.
CTRL+SHIFT+F11  Unlock a field.
CTRL+SHIFT+F12 Choose the Print command (File menu).
 F1           Access Online Help Or The Office Assistant
F2           Move Text Or Graphics
F3           Insert An Autotext Entry
F4           Repeat The Last Action
F5           Choose The Go To Command
F6           Go To Next Pane Or Frame
F7           Launch The Spelling And Grammar Check
F8           Extend A Selection
F9           Update Selected Fields
F10         Activate The Menu Bar
F11         Go to the Next Field
F12         Choose The Save As Command

 CTRL+Function Key

CTRL+F2 Choose the Print Preview command (File menu).
CTRL+F3 Cut to the Spike (Spike: A special AutoText entry that stores multiple deletions. Microsoft Word appends one item to another until you paste the contents as a group in a new location in your document. You can also use the Microsoft Office Clipboard to get the same result.)
CTRL+F4 Close the window.
CTRL+F5 Restore the document window size (for example, after maximizing it).
CTRL+F6 Go to the next window.
CTRL+F7 Choose the Move command (title bar shortcut menu).
CTRL+F8 Choose the Size command (title bar shortcut menu).
CTRL+F9 Insert an empty field.
CTRL+F10 Maximize the document window.
CTRL+F11 Lock a field.
CTRL+F12 Choose the Open command (File menu).

Shift + F1             Start Context-Sensitive Help Or Reveal Formatting
Shift + F2             Copy Selected Text
Shift + F3             Change The Case Of Letters
Shift + F4             Repeat A Find Or Go To Action
Shift + F5             Move To A Previous Revision
Shift + F6             Go To The Previous Pane Or Frame
Shift + F7             Choose The Thesaurus Command
Shift + F8             Shrink a Selection
Shift + F9             Switch Between A Field Code And Its Result
Shift + F10           Display A Shortcut Menu
Shift + F11           Go To The Previous Field
Shift + F12           Choose The Save Command
Alt + F5 Restore The Program Window Size
Alt + F4 Quit Word
Alt + F3 Create An Autotext Entry
Alt + F1 Go To The Next Field

Other CTRL Shortcuts


Open help

Shift + F3 Change case of selected text

Shift + Insert Paste

F4 Repeat last action performed (Word 2000+)

F7 Spell check selected text and /or document

Shift + F7  Activate the thesaurus

Alt + Shift + D  Insert the current date

Alt + Shift + T  Insert the current time

Alt keys:

 ALT + F4 or CTRL + W.   close window

Alt+F3               Create Auto Text

alt + shift:

Alt+Shift+F             Merge Field

Alt+Ctrl+O                Outline

Alt+Ctrl+P              Page

Ctrl+Return        Page Break

Alt+Shift+T        Time Field

Ctrl+Shift+G          Word Count List