Difference between Cloud Computing and Grid Computing

Cloud Computing: 
Cloud Computing is a Client-server computing architecture. In cloud computing, resources are used in centralized pattern and cloud computing is a high accessible service. It is a pay and use business means, in cloud computing, the users pay for the use 


Cloud Computing

Grid Computing: 
Grid Computing is a Distributed computing architecture. In grid computing, resources are used in collaborative pattern, and also in grid computing, the users do not pay for use.

Grid Computing

Let’s see the difference between cloud and grid computing which are given below: 


Cloud Computing

Grid Computing


Cloud computing is a Client-server computing architecture.

While it is a Distributed computing architecture.


Cloud computing is a centralized executive.

While grid computing is a decentralized executive


In cloud computing, resources are used in centralized pattern.

While in grid computing, resources are used in collaborative pattern.


It is more flexible than grid computing.

While it is less flexible than cloud computing.


In cloud computing, the users pay for the use.

While in grid computing, the users do not pay for use.


Cloud computing is a high accessible service.

While grid computing is a low accessible service.


It is highly scalable as compared to grid computing.

While grid computing is low scalable in comparison to cloud computing.


It can be accessed through standard web protocols.

While it is accessible through grid middleware.