Project IGI is a free FPS action game for Microsoft Windows PC desktop computers and laptops. The video game is often referred to as ‘I’m Going In’. Innerloop Studios developed Project IGI to release the title with Eidos Interactive in the year 2000. You can play the software on Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP operating systems.

What happened to Project IGI?

Project IGI has a well-known storyline that is based on the mission to get information from Josef Priboi about a nuclear weapon that went missing. You will play as a secret agent: David Jones. The goal of the game is to capture Priboi to secure the whereabouts of the stolen nuclear warhead. You will not be completely alone in the journey.

A woman named Anya delivers helpful objectives through a headpiece to guide agent Jones. Anya is the heroic partner that is stationed within the large Institute of Geotactical Intelligence headquarters. Jones will listen to the strategic guidance through an earpiece. The advice will appear on the screen in between missions or at random for you to read.

While Anya is a companion that assists in the assignment, Agent David Jones is practically a one-man show since there are minimal interactions between the two allies. The Project IGI narrative can be boring since the plot does not introduce additional characters, aside from the enemies. Fans have requested a multiplayer mode because of the lack of social stimulation.

You will be equipped with gadgets and weaponry: binoculars, guns, knife, map, etc. You can choose between a variety of gun models that deliver various results. The background is set in a mountainous terrain with intense weather conditions: rain, snow, etc. The huge level sizes deliver attractive graphics with panoramic views for you to explore.

Enemies will be positioned outside of and within the military bases, offices, warehouses, etc. Project IGI is infamous for the careless personalities of the AI security guardsWhile IGI is not filled with sci fi elements, the gameplay is unrealistic since the enemies are often unaware of nearby gunshot noises.

The drastic nature of IGI

You can easily shoot enemies during a covert strike since the AI does not always hear close gunshots. Alternatively, the guards can quickly kill you. The extreme gameplay can make Project IGI difficult to complete, especially since the game does not have checkpoints. If you get killed, then you will need to start the game over from the very beginning.

The gameplay can feel repetitive due to the lack of stealth required to defeat opponents. Additionally, attackers are stationed within the same areas after the game refreshes. Project IGI has been known for lagging, which results in rivals appearing out of nowhere.

The number of weapons that the opponents have will increase as the game progresses. The unrealistic reactions from the guards coupled with the lack of save points can make the title unappealing to play. The authentic spacious setting could make up for the moments of fluctuation during the gameplay.

Which is the best IGI game?

The developers have delivered updated versions of the nostalgic title. The original edition of the tactical first-person shooting game is titled Project I.G.I.: I’m Going In. I.G.I. 2: Covert Strike followed the first release. The popularity of the games resulted in a prequel called I.G.I. Origins. The graphics become more vivid with each new release.

The second IGI title includes a multiplayer mode, while IGI ‘I’m Going In’ only features single player. The second edition delivers limited game save points to revert to when you lose all of your health during an attack. While the main duty varies for each IGI title, you will remain the secret agent David Jones to complete the tasks.

A dramatic spy game

Project IGI: I’m Going In was an early leader in the FPS movement. The original Project IGI has maintained a popular user rating within the gaming community to this day. You will play as an agent that is tasked with retrieving a nuclear weapon that was stolen. The single player gameplay offers you little help along the way, aside from the assistant: Anya. While the graphics can be slightly blurry, the setting is still realistic.

The first edition of Project IGI does not receive new software updates. Instead, the developers published brand new versions of the title, which have a different storyline for each. Additionally, the recent releases deliver multiplayer and checkpoint features that can be played on PCs.

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