Comparison Feature



Data Model

It follows the document-oriented model and data is presented in JSON format.

It follows the document-oriented model but data is presented in BSON format.


CouchDB uses HTTP/REST based interface. It is very intuitive and very well designed.

MongoDB uses binary protocol and custom protocol over TCP/IP.

Object Storage

In CouchDB, database contains documents.

In MongoDB, database contains collections and collection contains documents.

Query Method

CouchDB follows Map/Reduce query method. (JavaScript+others)

MongoDB follows Map/Reduce (JavaScript) creating collection + object-based query language.


CouchDB supports master-master replication with custom conflict resolution functions.

MongoDB supports master-slave replication.


It follows MVCC (Multi Version Concurrency Control).

Update in-place.


CouchDB favors availability.

MongoDB favors consistency.

Performance Consistency

In CouchDB is safer than MongoDB

In MongoDB, database contains collections and collection contains documents.


CouchDB is eventually consistent.

MongoDB is strongly consistent.

Written in

it is written in Erlang.

it is written in C++.