The future continuous tense is used when an action is promised/thought to be going on at a specific time/context in the future.


Subject + shall/will + be + verb+ing . . . . . . . .


  • I shall be sleeping at around 6.00 AM tomorrow.
  • They will be playing at this time tomorrow.
  • She will be watching TV when I come home.
  • I will be working in the office while you watch a movie.

Future Continuous Tense often adds an extra layer of politeness to normal speech. "Will you be starting to decorate the room today?" is politer and considerate in a manner than the simple "Are you starting to decorate the room today?" which sounds more like a command that is late to be followed.

Future Indefinite Tense vs Future Continuous Tense

The sentences in Future Indefinite Tense and Future Continuous Tense pose a very similar kind of attitude and some may seem identical in manner. The major difference here is the tone that sets the tenses apart. Let's compare the tone and attitude between them to get a clear idea about how they differ.

Future Indefinite Tense

Future Continuous Tense

Ben will take the trash out. (Just decided)

Ben will be taking the trash out. (Previously decided upon)

Will you join us for dinner? (Invitation)

Will you be joining us for dinner? (Reconfirming possible previous arrangements)

She will help decorate the house. (Willing)

She will be helping to decorate the house. (A previous arrangement)

Future Continuous Tense often hints at possible pre-arrangements where the Simple Future Tense indicates definite decisions, invitations, and willingness.

 More: Examples of Future Continuous Tense

  • I will be writing articles on different topics.
  • Robert will be reading various kinds of books.
  • They will be playing football in that field.
  • April will be having coffee in this coffee shop.
  • Bob will be going to the library.
  • We will be shopping in that market this Monday.
  • We will be watching a movie in this Cineplex on next Friday.
  • You will be shopping at that market tomorrow.
  • I will be singing different kinds of songs, especially modern.
  • I will be attending a program of my varsity on Friday.
  • Jeff will be traveling around the world in March.
  • They will be playing hockey in that field on Thursday.
  • The poet will be writing a romantic poem for the program.
  • The lyricist will be writing a realistic song for the film.
  • Will you be going to the concert of realistic songs?
  • I will not be attending the program because of my busy schedule.
  • Robin will be joining us at the meeting.
  • I will be helping him to do the task.
  • We will be going to enjoy the musical drama.
  • I will be arranging all the necessary materials for the program.