Past Indefinite Tense

The past indefinite tense, also known as simple past tense, is used to indicate a finished or completed action/task that occurred/happened at a specific point in time in the past. ‘A specific time’ can be diverse and can cover a long period of time but it cannot be undeterminable.


Subject + verb in the past form + . . . . . + adverb of time + . . . . .

Note: Adverb of time can also be at the beginning of the sentence. Other sentences can also refer to that adverb and can use simple past tense.


  • Alex went to Mexico last year.
  • I ate a mango a few minutes ago.
  • He had an exam yesterday.
  • I used to travel around the world when I was fit. (It can also indicate a habit of the past which is not a habit in the present.)
  • I wrote articles on different topics.
  • He read various kinds of books.
  • They played football in that field.
  • She preferred coffee to tea.
  • He went to the library yesterday.
  • We came for shopping in this market last week.
  • We watched a movie in this Cineplex yesterday.
  • You used to shop in that market.
  • I sang different kinds of songs, especially modern.
  • I listened to melodious songs last evening.
  • He loved to travel around the world.
  • They played cricket in that field last week.
  • The poet wrote a romantic poem.
  • The lyricist wrote a realistic song for the program.
  • Did you go to the concert of realistic songs?
  • I could not attend the program because of my busy schedule.
  • He was a man of parts.
  • I helped him to do the task.
  • We enjoyed the program thoroughly.
  • I went to the Dhaka International Trade Fair with my elder brother.