The past progressive tense is used to demonstrate an action that was happening in the past for a period of time in a particular context. The context can be a specific time or another action.


Subject + was/were + verb + ing + . . . . . a specific time

Alex was sleeping yesterday at 6.30 AM

I was cleaning the dishes at around 5.30-6.30 yesterday.

When + subject + simple past tense + subject + was/were + verb+ing . . . .

When I went out, you were shouting from behind.

When Alex came, I was sleeping.

Subject + was/were + verb+ing + when + subject + simple past tense . . . .

You were shouting from behind when I went outside.

I was sleeping when Alex came home.

While + subject + was/were + verb+ing + subject + was/were + verb+ing . . . .

While I was sleeping, you were making noises.

While Alex was playing, I was sleeping.

Note: While can also be placed between the two clauses, and one of the clauses can be of simple past tense.

More Examples of Past Continuous Tense Examples.

  • I was writing articles on different topics.
  • He was reading various kinds of books.
  • They were playing football in that field.
  • She was drinking coffee in that coffee shop.
  • He was studying in the library.
  • We were shopping in this market last week.
  • We were watching a movie in this Cineplex yesterday.
  • You were shopping in that market.
  • I was singing different kinds of songs, especially modern.
  • I was listening to melodious songs last evening.
  • He was traveling around the world.
  • They were playing hockey on that field last week.
  • The poet was writing a romantic poem.
  • The lyricist was writing a realistic song for the program.
  • Were you enjoying the concert of realistic songs?
  • I was not watching the cricket match on television.
  • He was practicing to sing the song for the program.
  • I was helping him to do the task.
  • We were enjoying the program thoroughly.
  • I was shopping at the Dhaka International Trade Fair with my elder brother.