The present progressive tense is used to indicate the ongoing time (now). However, the stative verbs do not usually take the form of present progressive tense even though they refer to the present time.

Now, continually, perpetually, at this moment, at the moment, right now, this season, this year, forever, etc. words or word pairs are usually signs that the verb in a sentence is in the present progressive form. However, these signs are not necessary all the time for a verb to be of present progressive tense.


Subject + am/is/are + verb + ing + . . . . . . . . .


  • I am going to the college field.
  • He is coming here for some tips.
  • They are making a basketball ground.
  • Why are you working in that horrible place? (Interrogative)
  • Four teams are playing at this moment.
  • John is not joining the class today. (Negative)

This structure is also used to demonstrate future time.


  • Alex is leaving for Portugal.
  • I am going to complete my task.
  • We are leaving at 6:00 PM.
  • They are flying to Australia next month.

More Example of Present Progressive Tense

    1. I am writing articles on different topics.
    2. He is reading various kinds of books.
    3. They are playing football now.
    4. She is drinking coffee.
    5. He is going to the library.
    6. We are coming for shopping in this market.
    7. We are watching a movie in this Cineplex.
    8. You are shopping in that market.
    9. I am singing different kinds of songs, especially modern.
    10. I am listening to melodious songs.
    11. He is traveling around the world.
    12. They are playing cricket in that field.
    13. The poet is writing romantic poems.
    14. The lyricist is writing realistic songs.
    15. Are you listening to realistic songs?
    16. I am not quarreling with you.
    17. Are you coming to our home?
    18. I am helping him to do the task.
    19. My mom is cooking beef with cabbage.
    20. Are you watching cricket on television?