Agile development is more than a framework such as Kanban, Scrum, and Extreme Programming of Feature-Driven Development (FDD). It is more than practice, such as planning, test-driven development, planning sessions, stand-ups, and sprints.

Agile software development contains the set of frameworks, so it is called as an umbrella term. These frameworks are based on the values and principles expressed in Agile manifesto. .

The things that separate agile from other approaches to software development are the focus on the people doing the work and how they work together. The agile software development communities focus on collaboration and the self-organizing team.

Mostly the team and organization start work doing on agile software development, and then they focus on practices that help with collaboration and organizing the work.

How to Be an Awesome Agile Developer

The agile team developers focus on sustainable development?not heroics. Software sustainability is good estimation, effective branching strategies for managing code. This code is executed by automated testing to protect the quality, and continuous deployment to get fast feedback from users. Agile development is a continuous deployment to get quick feedback from users.

The "iron triangle" is a project management system in which all the developers should know about the project scope, schedule, and quality development.

Journey to a stress-free software release:

The success measure of an agile team is that when the working software product is released to the customer. But some time, it is found that the software teams feel the terrible experience at the time of validating the completed issues against artifacts. The code review might be missing. The complete code is not being merged, builds for merged code fail, etc.

Factors that build success software release:

Code best practice: it will improve the ability to deliver a quality product. The code review is essential before providing the product, and monitoring and fixing the declining builds will assure faster time to release.

Set up and maximize Jira Software's release hub: The team focus on setup the Jira software's release hub. It saves the working hours by allowing the release hub to provide a clear picture of progress status and release.

Automation from build code to release: The complete automation from build code to releasing the version straight from release hub.

Why code reviews matter:

Code review is an essential part of the software development before releasing to customer. It helps developers to learn the code base, as well as help them to learn a new technology that grows their skill sets.

What is exactly a code review? When the developer team finishes their working on an issue, other developers pay attention to the code and consider questions like:

  • Is there any accessible, logical error in the code?
  • Is there any module that takes an outside requirement, and all the cases are fully implemented?
  • Is the new automated test sufficient for the new code? Is there any requirement to rewrite in the existing automated tests for changing the code?
  • Is the new code conforming to current style guidelines?